Saturday, July 4, 2020


Passage: Mark 14:10~26   

Keyverse: 24

1. One of you will betray me (10-21)

Unlike the woman, Judas went out to sell Jesus for money. Jesus still loved him to the end. He gave Judas many chances to repent: by announcing his betrayal in public; by indicating it was him with the dipped bread (given to the most beloved one); by a strong warning saying, 'it would have been better for him not to be born'. Yet Judas stubbornly refused Jesus' love. Instead, he chose the way of destruction, never repenting. God wants no one to be destroyed. He warns each of us to repent through his Words. We should repent before it is too late.

2. The new covenant (22-26)

On that Passover night, Jesus revealed his blood as the new covenant that would save them from God's judgment. His body broken will be our bread. As Israel believed God's covenant and was saved from the angel of death who passed over the houses where the lamb's blood was painted, so now whoever believes in Jesus' blood and lives on his word as the new covenant, shall not perish but have eternal life. Our communion is to remember this new covenant until he comes again.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your blood covenant. Whoever believes in this new covenant will not perish but have eternal life. Thank you for your absolute faith in God's word, and everlasting love and hope for the betraying disciples.

One Word: Jesus' blood, the new covenant

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