Passage: Mark 13:1~13
Keyverse: 10
1. Not one stone will be left on another
The disciples were hillbillies. They were
amazed by the magnificent golden dome of the Jerusalem temple at sunset. The
massive stones looked like they would last forever. But Jesus taught,
"Every stone will be thrown down." It meant the Jerusalem Temple
would be demolished (A.D.70) like the NY Twin Towers; nothing on earth lasts
forever for the end of the world will surely come when all human civilizations
and Babel towers will be destroyed on judgment day. Only Jesus is the New and
True temple where we can meet and worship God forever.
2. The gospel must first be preached to all
nations (4-13)
To the terrified disciples, Jesus clearly
answers in advance what would happen and how we should behave: Watch out for
false teachers for only Jesus is the true Messiah; don't be scared by
terrorism, tsunamis, earthquakes, refugees, and famines etc, for they are
nothing but birth pains, good signs for new life; make use of all, even
persecutions, broken family issues and all troubles as good opportunities to
witness to Jesus, even to kings and governors. No matter what happens, all that
we should do is preach the gospel to all nations before Jesus' second coming
while leaving all other earthly things in God's hands whether they look urgent
or not.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for your teaching about the end of the
earth in advance. Help us to preach the gospel first, no matter what may happen
around the world.
One Word: First witness to Jesus to the ends of the earth
Good start